Policy and Advocacy
Our Work
We advocate for legislation and policy to advance renewable energy in Vermont.
Renewable Energy Vermont (REV) is the only organization dedicated solely to increasing affordable, accessible, and comprehensive renewable energy use in Vermont. We work with partners across the political, environmental, and business spectrum who share our mission and who join us at the State House to educate legislators and take part in regulatory forums. Join us in support of this important advocacy work by becoming a member today.

Legislative & Regulatory Advocacy
A primary aspect of our work is to ensure that Vermont enacts policies and legislation that catalyze total renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Voter Pledge
Tell candidates for elected office you are among the overwhelming majority of Vermonters who want more renewable energy and meaningful climate action. Pledge to vote for candidates who support transitioning Vermont to 100% renewables by 2030 and meeting our climate commitments.

Electing Renewable Energy & Climate Champions
The near term growth and long term survival of renewable energy in Vermont hinges on decisions of legislators and other key elected officials. REV’s political action committee supports Vermont candidates for public office who share our commitment to a renewable energy present and future for all and support the tradespeople who work hard every day to make it happen.
The Vermont Renewable Energy Political Action Committee (REV PAC) is a tri-partisan committee that elects, educates, and builds rapport with elected leaders and officials who share a vision for supporting and expanding renewable energy in Vermont. In 2018, 100% of the candidates we supported were elected.
Take Action
Contact Us
13 Baldwin Street, Suite 205
Montpelier, VT 05602