REV Blog
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Op-ed by Jonathan Dowds: Getting the Most from Vermont’s Hydro Power
From 18th-century mills to current hydroelectric facilities, hydropower has been a valuable resource throughout Vermont’s history. Today, hydro is an important source of carbon-free...
VT Legislature Overrides Governor’s Veto, Takes Historic Step to 100% Renewable Energy
The Vermont General Assembly voted today to overwhelmingly endorse H.289 to modernize the Renewable Energy Standard and set Vermont utilities on track to deliver 100% renewable electricity...
PUC Makes Net Metering More Expensive for the 7th Year in a Row
The Public Utility Commission issued its final order in the net-metering biennial update on May 30th and as expected, adopted the Public Service Department's recommendation to reduce the...
2024 Legislative Recap
The 2024 Legislative Session was a landmark one for climate and energy issues, including the passage of H.289, the Renewable Energy Standard Reform bill that will make Vermont the second...
Governor Scott Vetos Landmark 100% Renewable Energy Bill
Governor Scott has vetoed H.289, the Renewable Energy Standard Reform bill which requires all Vermont utilities to get to 100% renewable energy by 2035 at the latest. The greenhouse gas...
Op-ed by Jonathan Dowds: Net Metering Under Strain in Vermont
Net metering has been Vermont’s most popular and effective program for developing in-state renewable energy. It is responsible for the deployment of three-quarters of the solar capacity in...
Senate Passes H.289 Requiring 100% Renewables by 2035
Earlier today, the Vermont Senate voted to pass H.289 sending the bill to Governor Scott for his signature. This historic bill makes Vermont just the second state in the nation to mandate...
REV Urges PUC to Reject Proposed Cuts to Net Metering
Yesterday, REV filed comments urging the Public Utility Commission to reject the Public Service Department’s proposal to reduce net metering compensation for the seventh time since 2017....
REV Statement on Vermont’s Solar for All Award
Renewable Energy Vermont Statement on Solar for All Grant Award Today’s $62,450,000 Solar for All award by the U.S. EPA to the Vermont Public Service Department is an important...
Op-Ed by Jonathan Dowds: Flooding and Deepening Climate Crisis Galvanize Consensus on Transformative Energy Bill
After a year of record-breakingly expensive winter storms and devastating flooding that crystallized just how much Vermont is already suffering from the climate crisis, the Vermont House...
Historic Renewable Energy Standard Reform Bill Passes VT House
On Thursday March 21st, the House gave its final approval to H.289, the Renewable Energy Standard (RES) Reform bill, which would make Vermont just the 2nd state in the nation to require...
VT PSD Ignores Their Own Polling in Their Pursuit of “RES Reform”
TJ Poor, PSD memo to House Environment & Energy, 2/6/24: “The PSD’s proposal remains the only proposal that is based on Vermonters’ input, and is intended to reflect the priorities...
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13 Baldwin Street, Suite 205
Montpelier, VT 05602