REV2024: Getting New England off Fossil Fuels

Wednesday, October 16th, 2024 – 2:00-3:00 p.m.


Experts on this panel will discuss how community thermal energy networks, weatherization/energy updates for older homes, and the Clean Heat Standard will help Vermont meet its greenhouse gas reduction goals.

Moderator: Ben Edgerly Walsh, Climate & Energy Program Director, VPIRG

Since 2012, Ben has run VPIRG’s climate program, leading campaigns on issues from the passage of Vermont’s landmark Climate Superfund Act, to establishing and updating Vermont’s renewable energy standard, to laying the foundation for the nation’s first clean heat standard and defending Vermont’s energy efficiency work from attacks from the right. Ben holds a BS in Environmental Studies and a BA in Political Science from UVM, and has also worked with Green Corps, Environment America, and the Oregon Natural Desert Association.



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Debbie New Coordinator, Vermont Community Thermal Networks

Debbie New is a teacher and community organizer by training who has coordinated coalitions and working groups dedicated to decarbonization of the thermal sector. She launched Vermont Community Thermal Networks in 2022 to advance community-driven Thermal Energy Network solutions in Vermont.

Larry Satcowitz State Representative

Larry Satcowitz is a two-term member of the Vermont House of Representatives, serving on the Environment and Energy Committee. He has long-standing interests in renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Laura Sibilia State Representative

Representative Laura Sibilia serves as the Vice Chair of the House Committee on Environment and Energy. She also sits on the House Ethics Panel, Canvassing Committee, Joint Information Technology Oversight Committee, and Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel. In 2011, she took a regional economic development position at the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC) where she has focused on building strategic plans and partnerships, board development, nonprofit management, communications, fundraising, and event planning, including planning for the economic impacts of the closure of Vermont Yankee. She led BDCC’s regional efforts to help businesses recover from the major destruction caused by flooding of Tropical Storm Irene in 2011.

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