REV2024: Energy Storage as a Non-Transmission, Non-Wires Alternative

Wednesday, October 16th, 2024 – 2:00-3:00 p.m.


Vermont’s new Long Range Transmission Plan has identified the need for energy storage throughout the state. This panel brings together utilities and business leaders to drill down on the many benefits of investing in energy storage, flexible load management, implementing price signals, and how, when, and where storage should be utilized.

Moderator: Laura Coriell, Head of Market Development, Lightshift

Laura Coriell is the head of market development at Lightshift Energy. Prior to joining Lightshift, she co-founded a public relations and public affairs consulting firm focused on advising emerging and clean technology companies. Laura also previously led California government relations at Cruise, creating the regulatory and policy environment to bring electric, autonomous vehicles to market. In addition, Laura was the energy storage policy advisor at CALSSA where she led a coalition that created a market-transformational energy storage incentive program in California. She also worked on the legislative team of Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin, where she advanced and promoted Vermont’s leadership on climate and renewable energy.



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Shana Louiselle Communications & Public Relations Manager, VELCO

Kamran Hassan Lead Engineer, GMP

Kamran Hassan leads the engineering team at Green Mountain Power, focused on continuing to grow resiliency, strengthen the grid, and support the latest innovations. An electrical engineer by training, he works with other Vermont utilities, communities, and customers to deliver projects that benefit Vermont and accelerate the clean energy transition.  He led the initiative to deploy the NOMAD, a mobile energy storage unit made in Vermont, to help keep towns and businesses connected during system upgrades.  Prior to his utility experience, Kamran served in the Air Force.

Jeff Wolfe CEO, Original Clean Energy

Jeff is CEO of Clean Royalties and Original Clean Energy, owners of iSun, SunCommon, and Liberty Electric. He is a serial entrepreneur in solar, energy storage and EV charging. Jeff co-founded and was CEO of groSolar.

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