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Op-Ed by Peter Sterling: Vermont Legislature Enacts Landmark 100% Renewable Energy Bill
On June 17th the Vermont General Assembly overrode Governor Phil’s Scott’s veto to enact H.289 modernizing Vermont’s Renewable Energy Standard requiring all Vermont utilities to deliver...
Op-ed by Jonathan Dowds: Getting the Most from Vermont’s Hydro Power
From 18th-century mills to current hydroelectric facilities, hydropower has been a valuable resource throughout Vermont’s history. Today, hydro is an important source of carbon-free...
Op-ed by Jonathan Dowds: Net Metering Under Strain in Vermont
Net metering has been Vermont’s most popular and effective program for developing in-state renewable energy. It is responsible for the deployment of three-quarters of the solar capacity in...
Op-Ed by Jonathan Dowds: Flooding and Deepening Climate Crisis Galvanize Consensus on Transformative Energy Bill
After a year of record-breakingly expensive winter storms and devastating flooding that crystallized just how much Vermont is already suffering from the climate crisis, the Vermont House...
REV Statement on Twin States Clean Energy Link’s Selection as a US DOE Transmission Facilitation Program Award Recipient
Renewable Energy Vermont (REV), the trade association representing Vermont’s renewable energy industry, applauds the U.S. Department of Energy’s announcement that National Grid’s Twin...
Op-ed by Peter Sterling: A Vermont Solution to Fighting Climate Change — 100% Renewable Energy!
It’s 2023 and the question is no longer “is climate change here” but “what is Vermont going to do to stop it?” A proven way for Vermont to reduce our climate change-causing greenhouse gas...
Op-ed by Jonathan Dowds: Vermont’s Climate Plan is Built on a Foundation Made of Paper
Vermont has a plan to combat climate change – accelerate our transition to electric vehicles, switch our heating and cooling systems to electric heat pumps, and power it all with...
Op-ed by Peter Sterling: The Inflation Reduction Act Just Shattered the Ceiling for Clean Energy in Vermont
Incredibly and finally, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has begun the shift to a clean energy America. For the first time ever, the massive resources of the U.S. Government will be...
Op-ed by Jonathan Dowds: Vermont (and Texas?) Reaping the Benefits of Yesterday’s Forward-Looking Energy Policies
New Hampshire households are about to get hit hard, really hard, by rates hikes that will increase electricity bills by more than $70 a month. These unprecedented rate hikes reflect...
Op-ed by Peter Sterling: Why Is It Easier to Build a Dollar General than a Solar Project in Vermont?
Over the last decade or so while most of us weren’t looking, something very concerning has happened in Vermont: it has become easier to build commercial strip development like a Dollar...
Joint Statement on Vermont Department of Public Service’s Recommended Cut to Net Metering Compensation
On Monday, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said this in response to the April 4th release of the third Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, “We are on a fast track to...
Op-ed by Peter Sterling: The Green Mountain State’s Electricity Isn’t So Green
Vermont’s electric sector is estimated to contribute only 2% of our climate change-causing greenhouse gas emissions- seemingly insignificant compared to the whopping 74% of emissions...
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Montpelier, VT 05602